
Welcome to the world of SMP

By learning this skill, you have the power to change people's lives...

Let that sink in.

The effects of hair loss can be truly devastating in someone's life. You're going to use art to perform a technique that will build their confidence, free them from insecurities and open themselves up to their true potential.

At Inkd SMP our core values start with having genuine intentions to help people and put a strong focus on the 4 P's at the heart of every SMP treatment we do...

Passion. Patience. Perfectionism. Professionalism.

The 4 P's are essential traits of being a world class SMP artist... and of course, the 5th bonus P is just as important... PRACTICE!

Becoming a great artist takes practice and hard work to perfect your technique. Training is only the beginning.

...And with that, I'm so excited to welcome you to our SMP training course!

( Inkd SMP graduate Nathan and his first model Michael! )

IMPORTANT : ALL COURSE VIDEOS MUST BE WATCHED TO 95% or you will not be able to advance to the next lesson.

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